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Jakarta, Info Breaking News – Dianugerahkannya penghargaan terhadap Novel Baswedan oleh Perdana International Foundation for Corruption Champion Fund (PIACFF) Putra Jaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia sebagai 'hero' atau pahlawan dalam memberantas korupsi, mengundang tanda tanya besar di benak Prof. Dr. OC. Kaligis, S.H., M.H.
Menurutnya, PIACFF tidak sepenuhnya mengetahui siapa sosok Novel Baswedan yang sesungguhnya. Kasus penyerangan air keras yang membutakan mata Novel menjadi salah satu berita top di Indonesia bahkan dunia dan dikenal sebagai bentuk pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM). Kasus ini banyak menuai perhatian dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat dan sukses mengantarkan Novel Baswedan sebagai primadona di tengah-tengah media Indonesia yang kemudian memungkinkan dirinya untuk menyebarkan hoaks terkait kasusnya. Novel disebut-sebut membuat banyak orang percaya bahwa ada sesosok orang penting yang terlibat.
Namun, OC Kaligis melanjutkan, ada satu sisi gelap dari Novel yang tak banyak diketahui orang, yakni perannya sebagai aktor pelaku pembunuhan terhadap pria bernama Yulian alias Aan di Bengkulu yang hingga kini tak juga diproses. Ratapan keluarga korban pun tak dihiraukan.
Berangkat dari hal tersebut, OC Kaligis pun mempertanyakan apakah sosok Novel Baswedan di pembunuh keji tersebut sebenarnya pantas menyandang status 'pahlawan' atau PIACFF kenyataannya melakukan suatu kesalahan karena Novel bukanlah sosok seperti yang mereka pikirkan.
Berikut surat Prof. Dr. OC. Kaligis, S.H., M.H. seperti diterima oleh redaksi infobreakingnew.com:
Perdana International foundation for Corruption Champion Fund (PIACCF) Putra Jaya Kualalumpur Malaysia.
Dear Sirs,
I read from of one of the daily newspaper in Jakarta, Harian Merdeka Februay 9, 2020 , that Novel Baswedan, one of the Investigator from the Indonesian Corruption eradicating institution was granted an award by you as one of the hero as fighter against corruptor.
I know that on bestowing that award you are not aware who is actually Novel Baswedan. The acid attack on his eye that cause him blind, is one the leading and top news in Indonesia and in the world as violations of Human Rights. Novel Baswedan succeed to fabricate his case and spread a hoax news to the journalist who always support him, as though for his case a very important person is get involved as the man behind the gun that cause his eye blind.
In other side people forget that he has an actor of killing a poor person named Yulian alias Aan in Bengkulu after torturing him in a very cruel way years ago. The criminal case file, supporting by witnesses and evidences already ready to be examined by criminal court. Even the decision of the pre-trial judge, ordered the public prosecutor to directly proceed Novel's criminal case. Up to now the public prosecutor seemly challenge that order, not willing to obey the judge order. The fighting for justice by the victim's family is of no avail, far from success. The victim family is only a poor person, who has no access to journalist. Even that criminal case of Novel Baswedan is closed very tightly by one of the leading magazine called Tempo.
I know that on bestowing that award you are not aware who is actually Novel Baswedan. The acid attack on his eye that cause him blind, is one the leading and top news in Indonesia and in the world as violations of Human Rights. Novel Baswedan succeed to fabricate his case and spread a hoax news to the journalist who always support him, as though for his case a very important person is get involved as the man behind the gun that cause his eye blind.
In other side people forget that he has an actor of killing a poor person named Yulian alias Aan in Bengkulu after torturing him in a very cruel way years ago. The criminal case file, supporting by witnesses and evidences already ready to be examined by criminal court. Even the decision of the pre-trial judge, ordered the public prosecutor to directly proceed Novel's criminal case. Up to now the public prosecutor seemly challenge that order, not willing to obey the judge order. The fighting for justice by the victim's family is of no avail, far from success. The victim family is only a poor person, who has no access to journalist. Even that criminal case of Novel Baswedan is closed very tightly by one of the leading magazine called Tempo.
I hope this information can be of any use for you to let you know who's is Novel Baswedan who was bestowed by you as a hero fighting the corruptor. Novel Baswedan is just a very cruel killer. This information is not a hoax one, Therefore I give herewith my e mail address: ottokaligis42@gmail.com.
Very truly yours,
Prof. Otto Cornelis Kaligis.
Cc. President of Republic Indonesia Excellency Ir. Joko Widodo.
Harian Merdeka
Majalah Tempo
All journalist who love a fair news. ***Armen